OZ 2003/2

M T 81 ORGANIZACIJA ZNANJA 2003, LETN. 8, ZV. 2 morale vodilne institucije na področju knjižničnega informacijskega sistema v Sloveniji, v sodelovanju s knjižnicami, ki imajo na področju serijskih in elektron- skih virov največ izkušenj. online training presentation. Prosojnice za prezentacijo. Chicago: ALA, jan. 2003, pros. 85. Pridobljeno 10. 6. 2003 s svetovnega spleta http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/units/cts/olac/capc/ir.ppt. [13] Ibid., pros. 58. [14] Miller, Steven Jack. Cataloging Integrating Resources. A Proto- type PCC Training Resource. Milwaukee: University of Wiscon- sin, 2002, pros. 93. Pridobljeno 10. 6. 2003 s svetovnega spleta http://www.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/bibco/irtrng702_files/v3_document. htm. [15] Catalogers Desktop. Washington: Library of Congress, 2003 (2). [16] Task group on implementation of integrating resources: final report – revised 10/4/01. Pridobljeno 10.06.2003 s svetovnega spleta http://www.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/tgintegrfinal.pdf. [17] ISSN manual: final draft – online version. Paris: ISSN Centre, 2003. Pridobljeno 10. 6. 2003 s svetovnega spleta http://www.issn.org: 8080/English/pub/network/issn_manual. [18] Pellé, Françoise. ISSN: An ongoing identifier in a changing world. The Serials Librarian, 2002, 41 (3/4), 31–42. [19] Seljak, Marta. Poti do konsistentnih katalogizacijskih pravil. CO- BISS obvestila, 2000, 5(4). Dostopno tudi na http://home.izum.si/ cobiss/cobiss_obvestila/2000_4/Html/clanek_04.html. [20] Bunn, Paul. Throwing light on serials stuff: recent developments in bibliographic standards for serials. Serials, 2002, 15 (3), 229– 232. Opombe 1 Sodelovala je tudi slovenska predstavnica Zlata Dimec, ki objave novega standarda žal ni dočakala. 2 Shema bibliografskih virov je predelana na podlagi reference [2]. 3 Med boljše lahko uvrstimo: Miller, Steven Jack . Cataloging inte- grating resources: a prototype PCC training resource . (Dostopno na spletu http://www.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/bibco/irtrng702_files/ v3_document.htm ) in Sleeman, Allison M . Serials/Integrating Resources Cataloging. AACR2 and MARC tarfing (Dostopno na spletu http://viva.lib.virginia.edu/cata loging/policies/drafts/ppt/Serials.ppt). 4 Prevod standarda pripravlja Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica v Ljubljani. Reference [1] ISBD(CR): International Standard Bibliographic Description for Serials and Other Continuing Resources. Munchen: Saur, 2002, VII. [2] Hirons, Jean, Reynolds, Regina, Hagen, Judy. Revising AACR2 to accommodate seriality: report to the Joint Steering Commit- tee for Revision of AACR. April 1999. Pridobljeno 10. 6. 2003 s svetovnega spleta http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/jsc/ser-rep0.html. [3] Op. cit. ref. 5. [4] Parent, Ingrid. From ISBD(S) to ISBD(CR): A voyage od discov- ery and alignment. The Serials Librarian 2003, 4(43), 78 (73–81). [5] Ibid. [6] Ibid., 79. [7] Hirons, Jean and Graham, Crystal. Issues Related to Seriality. The principles and future of AACR: International Conference on the Principles and Future Development of AACR. Chicago: American Library Association, 1998. [8] Op. cit. ref. 2. [9] Kuhagen, Judith A. AACR2 Revision 2002: integrating resources and monographs. Prosojnice za prezentacijo. Jan. 2003, pros. 10. Pridobljeno 10. 6. 2003 s svetovnega spleta http://www.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/bibco/trainers/ 2002rev_bibco.ppt. [10] Anglo-American Cataloging rules. 2nd ed., 2002 revision. Ot- tawa: Canadian Library Association; Chicago: American Library Association, 2002. [11] Technical bulletin 247. 2002. Pridobljeno 10. 6. 2003 s svetovne- ga spleta http://www.oclc.org/technicalbulletins/247. [12] Introduction to cataloging electronic integrating resources: an Gordana Popoviæ Boškoviæ, Biserka Fortuna: ISBD(CR), IZZIVI KATALOGIZACIJE VIROV V NADALJEVANJU