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M 173 ORGANIZACIJA ZNANJA 2003, LETN. 8, ZV. 4 Jaques Berleur: POKLICNA DEONTOLOGIJA, SAMOUREJANJE IN ETIKA V INFORMACIJSKI DRUŽBI 2 Jaques Berleur je predsednik odbora IFIP-TC9 in skupine SIG9.2.2. IFIP-TC9 je Tehnični odbor IFIP-a za odnose med računalništvom in družbo (IFIP Technical Committee 9: Relationship between Computers and Society), IFIP-SIG9.2.2 pa je Specialna skupina za etiko v računalništvu (Special Interest Group for Ethics of Computing, op. prev.). 3 International Federation for Information Processing (Mednarodna zveza za obdelavo informacij, op. prev.). 4 Computer Ethics Institute (Institut za etiko v računalništvu, op. prev.). 5 Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (Računalniški strokovnjaki za družbeno odgovornost, op. prev.). 6 European Internet Services Providers Association (Evropska zveza ponudnikov internetnih storitev, op. prev.). 7 Poslovna iniciativa za pomoč pri oblikovanju okvira za razvoj e-trgovine (op. prev.). 8 World Trade Organization (Svetovna trgovinska organizacija, op. prev.). 9 Omrežje za posameznike, ki si prizadevajo za večjo odgovornost na internetu (op. prev.). 10 Internet Society (profesionalno mednarodno združenje za internet, obstaja tudi slovensko društvo ISOC, op. prev.). 11 World Information Technology Forum (Svetovni forum za infor- macijsko tehnologijo, op. prev.). 12 Electronic Consumer Dispute Resolution (projekt za postavitev sistema za reševanje sporov v zvezi z e-trgovino, op. prev.). Reference [BCS, 1984]: The BCS Royal Charter: http://www1.bcs.org.uk/homepages/512/ On the Privy Council and the Chartered Bodies, see : http://www.privy-council.org.uk. [Berleur, 1996]: Jacques Berleur, Final Remarks, in : [Berleur & Brunn- stein, 1996], pp. 244-245. [Berleur & Brunnstein, 1996]: Jacques Berleur & Klaus Brunnstein, eds., Ethics of Computing: Codes, Spaces for Discussion and Law , A Handbook prepared by the IFIP Ethics Task Group, op. cit.. The background history is to be found in: Jacques Berleur and Marie d’Udekem-Gevers, Codes of Ethics/Conduct for Com- puter Societies : The Experience of IFIP, in [Goujon & Hériard, 2001, pp. 327-350]. [Berleur et al., 2000]: Jacques Berleur, Penny Duquenoy, Marie d’Udekem-Gevers, Tanguy Ewbank de Wespin, Matt Jones and Diane Whitehouse, Self-Regulation Instruments – Classification – A Preliminary Inventory , (HCC-5, Geneva 1998; SIG9.2.2 January 2000; SIG9.2.2 June 2000; IFIP-WCC-SEC2000), © IFIP-SIG9.2.2 http://www.info.fundp.ac.be/~jbl/IFIP/sig922/selfreg.html. [Berleur & Ewbank, 2002]: Jacques Berleur and Tanguy Ewbank de Wespin, Self-regulation: Content, Legitimacy and Efficiency - Governance and Ethics, in Human Choice and Computers, Issues of Choice and Quality of Life in the Information Society , Klaus Brunnstein & Jacques Berleur, eds., Proceedings of the IFIP- HCC6 Conference, 17 th World Computer Congress, Montreal, August 2002, Kluwer Academic Publ., 2002, pp. 89-108. [CEI, 1992]: The Computer Ethics Institute (CEI), Washington, D.C., The Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics, 1992 http://www.brook.edu/its/cei/cei_htm. 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