OZ 2010/1-2

8 ORGANIZACIJA ZNANJA 2010, LETN. 15, ZV. 1 – 2 4.1 Solving the problem The difference between the existing and desired situation is expressed by those objects that are not members of both situations (Figure 4.2). 5. We have to produce those objects of the problem situation that are not also in the existing situation. 6. We have to replace those objects of the existing situation that are also in the problem situation with the produced objects by outputting the replaced objects for reuse in other processes or for recycling. We can conceptualize the problem solving process as comprised of: • production process, • replacement process. The production and replacement processes transform the existing situation into the desired situation. To produce the objects we have to provide input to the production process from the environment (also from reuse). We also have to provide reuse or recycling for the replaced objects outputted by the replacement process. Figure 4.2: A schematic of problem solving process The way we conceptualized the problem solving process enables us to view the production and replacement processes as sequential processes. However, in real-life situations these two processes can be intertwined. Problem 4.1 Removal from or moving objects into the environment can cause damage to the environment. Removing from or moving objects into the environment should match the desired situation derived from a vision of the environment (e.g. sustainable development). We tend to simplify the problem solving process by dealing with products instead of with desired situations. Problem 4.2 By reducing the problem solving process to producing a product (e.g. a computer) the user has to take care of the replacement process. In such a situation the user has to look for professional help in carrying out the replacement process. Many times users carry out the replacement process by themselves, which can result in new problems. 4.2 Specifications To be able to produce and replace the objects they need to get their properties fully determined. This requires additional level of detailing. The determined properties of the objects are usually arranged in the form of a specification. Based on this production and replacement processes can be determined. We have to: • specify the objects to be produced, • identify the objects to be replaced (they had been specified before they were produced), • determine the production and replacement processes. Methods to be used to produce the specifications should be verified to assure conformance with the problem and should enable conformance checking. In addition they should be suitable for the purpose (e.g. method should not require unnecessary activities, method learning cycle should not be long). To produce specifications, sharing of work and specialization may be necessary. Problem 4.3 Sharing of work and specialization can cause problems (e.g. those who produce the specifications of the objects may not be aware of all the technological limitations of production and replacement processes). Because of this, the problem of quality assurance is open throughout the problem solving process. Normally, the specifications should be checked for conformance with the production and replacement processes. Maksimiljan Gerkeš: MODELLING OF PROCESSES – TEHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT