OZ 2010/1-2

M T 9 ORGANIZACIJA ZNANJA 2010, LETN. 15, ZV. 1 – 2 When preparing specifications, two categories of knowledge appear: • tacit knowledge, • explicit knowledge. Tacit knowledge is hard to transfer unless evolved into explicit knowledge. Example 4.1 And make it small! The one who sets such a requirement usually knows quite well what "small" really means. Perhaps a simple method to determine what "small" really means is by matching a few examples of small with "small". The example that gives the best match becomes a measure for "small". This enables conversion of tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge and can be done equally well by the one who sets such a requirement. 4.3 Production and replacement processes We generally do not design and implement the production and replacement processes for solving one problem. However, we have to implement the vision by means of such processes. This sets the requirement for adaptability of these processes, which makes it possible that the same production and replacement processes, by just adapting them, can be used for solving different problems. We decompose the production process into design and production (narrower sense) processes (Figure 4.3). This decomposition is justified by: • designing the objects following the specification, • producing the objects following their design. Before subsequent activities are carried out, adaptation of the design and production processes takes place (Figure 4.3). Figure 4.3: Production process decomposition and adaptation The replacement process (Figure 4.4) is less known (except in the production of capital equipment) due to the reduction of problem solving process to producing a product, which is very common. Figure 4.4: Replacement process and adaptation The replacement process may require an adaptation of the existing situation before the replacement of objects (narrower sense) can take place. In such a case, the replacement process is decomposed to the adaptation and replacement (narrower sense) processes. Problem 4.4 Adaptability of processes opens space for mistakes and abuse. Methods for process adaptation should be verified to provide the right solution and should be traceable, which makes it easier to correct errors. Problem 4.5 Production and replacement processes are generally built on sharing work and specialization, which can cause problems (e.g. those who produce the objects may not be aware of all the technological limitations of the replacement processes, especially when the problem solving process is reduced to producing a product). Because of this, the problem of quality assurance is open throughout the production and replacement process. By carrying out the production and replacement processes successfully, the vision is implemented. Problem 4.6 An object of the desired, now existing situation malfunctions or breaks down. Such a possibility requires a maintenance process throughout the object lifecycle. This opens again the problem of quality assurance. Maksimiljan Gerkeš: MODELLING OF PROCESSES – TEHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT