OZ 2010/1-2

M T 13 ORGANIZACIJA ZNANJA 2010, LETN. 15, ZV. 1 – 2 When the existing situation is turned into the desired situation, it enables the user to carry out processes determined by the vision. The user’s knowledge, skills and the objects of the desired situation become the user’s technology for problem solving. The desired situation turns then into the existing situation. Problem 6.3 The desired situation changes just after having turned into the existing situation or even before. Such a situation justifies adaptability of objects (e.g. computers). Adaptability of the objects may enable the desired situation to be changed in an unobtrusive way. Problem 6.4 Non-existing collecting, reuse and recycling processes can cause accumulation of obsolete objects elsewhere. When new technology is developed, collecting, reuse and recycling technologies should also be developed (or identified if they already exist). 6.1 New technology The design and implementation of the production and replacement processes may require new technologies. Before new technology is developed, there is an existing situation (lack of technology). The necessity for new technology creates a vision of this new technology. The vision enables to create the desired situation. The difference between the existing and desired situation is a problem situation, which is used to define a problem. This is exactly the situation from which we began to build our model for analysis. The development of new technology is according to the model in no way different from solving the problem. Example 6.1 We have to develop sensors to be used for discovering illegal food products at international airports. In this way the problem is specified through a solution (sensors). Specifying a problem through a solution narrows our options and may prevent us to get to a more satisfying solution. Instead we could specify the problem: "we need to discover illegal food products at international airports". Such a specification broadens the space of possible solutions (e.g. Beagle Brigade). Problem 6.5 It seems that new technologies are raising increasingly difficult ethical problems (e.g. identity theft). Technology is a means to solve problems and should provide quality solutions. The development of new technologies predominantly in the direction of technological excellence by measuring technological excellence only in relation to other technologies may result in a situation where user needs may not be considered anymore. In such a way technological excellence becomes a driving force of technological development not harmonized with user needs. This may result in inappropriate technologies which may not allow for quality solutions. 7. EDUCATION Developing visions and implementing them require well educated and trained personnel. We have discovered several issues that may have to be addressed in professional and vocational education: • vision development and problem definition, • well defined methods of problem solving, • a balance between knowledge about methods of defining and solving problems and knowledge about technologies, • knowledge of evolving tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge, • knowledge about quality assurance. In general education there should be a balance between the acquired knowledge and problem solving capabilities. Otherwise knowledge is of little use. A user can use technologies (also because of their adaptability) for a purpose they were not developed for (e.g. the same web technology can be used to spread knowledge or hate). General education dealing with: • correct use of technology, • technology abuse and the consequences of abuse, • ways to protect yourself from abuse, can be far more reaching than commonly anticipated. More disciplines (e.g. sociology, philosophy, psychology, medicine) point out serious problems caused by technological development. These problems may be merely manifestations of the problems caused by the ways we envision, develop, deploy and use technologies. In situations like this it is important to backtrack to the Maksimiljan Gerkeš: MODELLING OF PROCESSES – TEHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT