OZ 2010/1-2

M T 7 ORGANIZACIJA ZNANJA 2010, LETN. 15, ZV. 1 – 2 Problem 3.1 Available resources are not sufficient to implement all the visions. Usually, a selection among the visions takes place. The selected visions get their shares of resources for solving problems conditioned by them. However, such a selection can be justified if the desired situation caused by the visions is the desired situation of everyone involved. The vision development process should result in a quality vision. By simulating the vision and representing the desired situation in the same way as the existing situation (e.g. by computer visualization), those, influenced by the vision, get more insight into what the vision brings about and they can propose changes. By incorporating changes, a vision that is adopted by those, influenced by the vision, can be developed (Figure 3.2). Figure 3.2: Quality vision development Problem 3.2 An existing situation might have developed from many previous visions that did not produce the desired situation. Such an existing situation is not free of restrictions, which limit the development of new visions. In such a complex situation it may help to discover what visions failed to produce the desired situation and what prevented failures to be discovered earlier. Developing a vision for an existing situation limited by restrictions can be very demanding. It may be more productive first to resolve problems that gave birth to restrictions. Afterwards the vision can be developed based on the resolved existing situation (e.g. developing a feasible e-government requires much more than building web based services). Problem 3.3 An existing situation developed from previous visions that did not produce the desired situation may invoke requirements for control mechanisms to keep the existing situation bearable. Requirements for control usually give birth to restrictions to be built in the existing situation. By repeating such a practice the existing situation may gradually become unbearable. This opens space for extreme visions. The history of humankind reveals what can happen when such visions take place. Setting a vision should be based on mature knowledge about the existing situation. When a vision comes to implementation, new technologies can be embedded in the desired situation. This requires learning and skills development so that the desired situation (now the existing situation) will support user problem solving. Otherwise frustration, misuse and abuse can take place. 3.1 Influence of perception A vision is based on perceiving an existing situation. The existing situation may not be perceived equally by perceivers. This leads to different visions and consequently a kind of reconciliation becomes necessary. The reconciliation should ensure: • a harmonious agreement regarding the visions (based on mature knowledge about the existing situation) • sufficient resources allocated for the implementation of the harmonized vision The harmonized vision should not build on resources that can prevent other contemporary visions to come to realization. Before developing a vision it may be productive to specify patterns of behaviour that are problematized. Also such pattern sets can help reconcile visions. A better quality harmonized vision can then become a result of reconciliation. 4. IMPLEMENTING THE VISION The vision is implemented by transforming the existing situation into the desired situation (Figure 4.1). Figure 4.1: Implementing the vision Maksimiljan Gerkeš: MODELLING OF PROCESSES – TEHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT