OZ 2011/3

70 ORGANIZACIJA ZNANJA 2011, LETN. 16, ZV. 3 Dissemination record modification Scenario – Dissemination record modification The user 1. selects a dissemination record [submits form] 2. modifies the dissemination record [submits form] 3. inspects the modified dissemination record Scenario – Dissemination record deletion (impossible if a communication plan record is already created) The user 1. selects a dissemination record [submits form] 2. confirms dissemination record deletion [submits form] 3. – (notification of dissemination record deletion) COMPLETING DISSEMINATION DATA Although a dissemination scheme presents all the dissemination actions, the dissemination records do not contain all the necessary data for carrying them out. According to the pattern "who, what, in what detail, to whom, by what means and when", we still have to specify the target audience and the deadline of the dissemination action. We can associate one or more target audiences (e.g. ACMSE, ETHICOMP) with each target category (e. g. a conference). Some target audiences (e. g. conference participants, journal subscribers) are specified implicitly by attributes (e.g. conference title, web address, conference topic, place, date, contact). Other target audiences are specified explicitly (e. g. newsletter recipients, ad hoc work group members). To unify processing we specify each target category by a collection of attributes, and in case of an explicitly specified target audience we link the specification to the list, specifying members of the target audience. Figure 10 shows an arrangement for creating target audiences. Pages of the arrangement are generated dynamically by scripts running on the web server. Each time a target audience list is updated, a copy is saved and is accessible as a web page. Target audience record creation Scenario – New target audience record creation (Figure 10) The user 1. [Page 1] selects a target category [submits form] 2. [Page 2] fills in the values of target category attributes (e. g. Event attributes) [submits form] 3. [Page 3] inspects the created target audience record Scenario – Created target audience record modification (Figure 10) The user 1. [Page 2] modifies the values of target category attributes [submits form] 2. [Page 3] inspects the modified target audience record A target audience record can be updated (e. g. event deadlines change) or deleted. (The scenario for target audience record modification or deletion is quite similar to the scenario for dissemination record modification or deletion.) Figure 10: Target audience (events) list creation An explicitly specified target audience is an enumerated list created by matching attributes determining its members with the attributes in the records containing members data (e. g. by matching project leaders attributes in the class of nanotechnology projects records, a target audience of project leaders in nanotechnology can be created). Creating an explicitly specified target audience is most of the time a laborious work. For a target audience for which a collection of records exists (e.g. structured records Maksimiljan Gerkeš: DISSEMINATION OF KNOWLEDGE ...