OZ 2011/3

M T 71 ORGANIZACIJA ZNANJA 2011, LETN. 16, ZV. 3 about projects) the target audience can be created by a machine. A target audience can also be created as a union of two or more target audiences created based on two or more categories (e. g. newsletter recipients). Figure 11 shows an arrangement for creating an explicitly specified target audience in the form of an enumerated list. Pages of the scheme are generated dynamically by scripts running on the web server. Each time the target audience list is updated, a copy is saved and is accessible as a web page. Member record creation Scenario – New member record creation (Figure 11) The user 1. [Page 1] selects a target audience [submits form] 2. [Page 2] fills in the values of member attributes [submits form] 3. [Page 3] inspects the created record Scenario – Created member record modification (Figure 11) The user 1. [Page 2] modifies the values of member attributes [submits form] 2. [Page 3] inspects the modifed record A member record can be updated (e. g. member position changes) or deleted. (The scenario for member record modification or deletion is similar to the scenario for dissemination record modification or deletion.) Figure 11: Member record creation Prospective members can also add themselves to the list (e. g. using a form on the project website). Deadlines of dissemination actions Results deadlines along with important dates (e. g. for a conference, workshop, journal) enable us to set up deadlines of dissemination actions. Content can be passed in more consecutive steps (e. g. an abstract, draft paper, final paper). This introduces more documents and more deadlines to a dissemination action. There are more ways to record these steps; we decide to collect them in the deadline field and represent them by pairs: content type, date (e.g. abstract: 8 Oct 2010, draft paper: 15 Jan 2011, final paper: 30 May 2011). COMMUNICATION PLAN A dissemination scheme can be considered an abstract presentation of the desired situation as it is created to ensure the best possible coverage of local environments with information and knowledge about project results. This goal can be reached by dissemination actions. When an expected result becomes a result, a dissemination action can be initiated (target categories can be replaced by target audiences and dissemination action deadlines can be set). By having all data necessary for setting up a dissemination action we can represent it by a communication record and arrange all the records in a plan of communications represented by a list of communication records ordered by dissemination actions deadlines. A communication plan (Table 3) is created gradually as the results become available and is by its arrangement a time determined scheme of dissemination. Communication records are linked (automatically) with corresponding records of the dissemination scheme. A communication record is linked to the (applicable) document template, to the document to be disseminated and the target audience (e. g. an event). The current status of each dissemination action is described by status information. The status of the corresponding dissemination record is automatically updated whenever the status of the communication record changes. This enables us at any moment to realize how much of the intended dissemination has already been covered by dissemination actions. Most of the communication record data is derived from the corresponding dissemination record (title, document type, responsibility) and is completed with a target audience and deadline based on the target category and result deadlines data from the dissemination record. Maksimiljan Gerkeš: DISSEMINATION OF KNOWLEDGE ...