OZ 2014/2

M 49 ORGANIZACIJA ZNANJA 2014, LETN. 19, ZV. 2 Alenka Kaniè National and University Library, Ljubljana E-mail address: alenka.kanic @ nuk.uni-lj.si doi:10.3359/oz1402049 1.04: STROKOVNI ČLANEK Background UNIMARC 2014, the 4th UNIMARC Users' Group Meet- ing was the occasion to present the current situation regard- ing cataloguing rules and changes made to these rules in Slovenia up to now. I have over 30 years of experience in cataloguing and I have participated in the implementation of those changes.The aim of this article is to show that cataloguing in Slovenia has always been a very important task and that it has always followed international trends. Before World War II the oldest catalogues in the National and University Library were based on various different cataloguing rules, among others on the very well known Prussian Instructions. It was obvious that the old concept was no longer applicable and new cataloguing rules were required. They were compiled by the well-known and re- spected cataloguer Pavle Kalan, based on American cata- loguing practice and approved as the national cataloguing code by the Slovenian Library Association and published shortly after World War II by the National and University CatalogUing Rules AND their Changes – current situation in Slovenia Abstract The article is a short overview of the development and changes in cataloguing practice in Slovenian libraries from World War II to the present day, with special attention paid to the role and duties of the principal catalogue editor and the National Cataloguing Committee, revealing future actions and trends in the development of the national cataloguing codes. Keywords descriptive cataloguing, national cataloguing codes, shared cataloguing, principal catalogue editor, RDA Izvle~ek Članek predstavlja kratek pregled razvoja in sprememb v katalogizacijski praksi v slovenskih knjižnicah od druge svetovne vojne do danes, s posebnim poudarkom na vlogi in nalogah glavnega redaktorja kataloga in nacionalne komisije za katalogizacijo. Razkriva tudi načrtovane aktivnosti in trende pri razvoju nacionalnih pravil za katalogizacijo. Klju~ne besede opisna katalogizacija, nacionalna katalogizacijska pravila, vzajemna katalogizacija, glavni redaktor kataloga, RDA The article is based on the presentation with the title Cataloging Rules & Changes – Slovenian state of the art given at the international conference UNIMARC 2014: 4th UNIMARC Users' Group Meeting in Maribor, Slovenia, on 14 May 2014. Library in Ljubljana as Abecedni imenski katalog . They were intended for cataloguing in Slovenian scientific and academic libraries. The first introductory sentence in the code reads: "The responsible and demanding work of precise and correct bibliographic description, including the management of catalogues, has to be carried out by the members of library staff who have adequate theoretical education and practical training." (Abecedni imenski katalog, 1947, p. 3) This has always been the case and is also a fact not to be neglected, even in a difficult economic situation. Pavle Kalan (1900–1974) graduated in Slavic and Ro- mance Studies at the University of Ljubljana initially working as a teacher before becoming a librarian at the Slavic Library; later he worked as a librarian and senior scientific researcher at the National and University Li- brary in Ljubljana. He taught short courses on librarian- ship in Slovenia and with the establishement of the chair