OZ 2015/2

79 ORGANIZACIJA ZNANJA 2015, LETN. 20, ZV. 2 Bibliografije v filozofijah knjižni^ne informacijske zna- nosti Bibliografija pomeni troje: znanost o knjigi, postopek izdelave seznama knjig in proizvod te dejavnosti. Bibliografija glede na besedi, iz katerih je sestavljena, pomeni pisanje oziroma prepisovanje knjig (gr. biblion (knjiga); gr. graphein (pisati)). Njeni začetki segajo v 5. stoletje pred našim štetjem. Bibliograf (gr. bibliographos ) je bil pisatelj oziroma prepisovalec knjig. V 17. stoletju je bil postopek prepisovanja zamenjan s postopkom opiso- vanja. Pojem bibliografije kot znanosti o knjigah s stali- šča popisovanja in klasifikacije je uvedel Berthelot Mar- celin v veliko francosko enciklopedijo ( L'Encyclopédie ) leta 1885. Pomen se ni spremenil vse do danes. Sinonim za bibliografijo kot znanost je bibliologija. Bibliografija kot dejavnost predstavlja postopek ugotavljanja, urejanja in podajanja podatkov o knjigah. Proizvod te dejavnosti subject areas, organised by subject and author. Catalogues should represent the first stage of RBU. National libraries should be responsible for the catalogue of books, whereas specialised internati- onal associations should be responsible for entering data on periodicals in their fields of expertise. The universal bibliography is conceived as a part of the Mundaneum (world centre/library). In this way, human knowledge would be fully processed only once, stored at a single place and protected from wars and revolutions. In 1950, UNESCO recommended the creation of current national bibli- ographies. A bibliography makes it possible to find a publication and also, it provides access to this publication. The creation of bibliographic databases and classification systems with the purpose of organising information and of making the search for information (information retrieval, IR) possible is one of the key areas and one of the main stages in the development of information science. IR was initially document retrieval (DR). The aim of IR systems should be to provide information on facts (fact retrieval, FR) in relation to a search request. Also today, IR usually means DR and not FR, whereas DR should be more a part of librarianship and archival studies. Information retrieval experts are of the opinion that FR is the most extreme purpose of information science. However, as users, we need also bibliographic information systems. Particularly highlighted is the connection betwen bibliographical science and bibliometrics, as bibliographic databases are also the basis for such analyses. The typology of documents is an issue, intensively dealt with by experts ever since ISI citation indexes were first used to evaluate research results. The theoretical basis for the development of typologies is given, which depends on the answer to the question whether a typology is a categorisation or a classification. The basic concept of universal bibliographic control supposes that any publication in the world should be recorded once only, in the country of its origin. On the basis of the case of the cultural and political aspects of (national) bibliographies in the countries that have emerged after the dissolution of SFR Yugoslavia is shown that bibliographic efforts are not a professional issue only but represent also the reflection of national culture. Keywords bibliography, information science, librarianship, universal biblography, national bibliography, re- trospective bibliography, Répertoire Bibliographique Universel (RBU), COBIB, COBISS, universal bibliographic control, bibliographic database, bibliometrics, typology of documents, classification, categorisation Članek je del rokopisa knjige Informacijska znanost na dvosmernih mostovih: Collectanea Theoretica Informatologica . se tudi imenuje bibliografija (sistemiziran seznam knjig za določen namen). Pojavljajo se še naslednji izrazi, ki so sorodni z bibliografijo: katalog, indeks, biblioteka, leksikon, slovar, trezor, anali, literatura, repertorij (lat. repertorium ), inventar, manual, priročnik, tezaver, letopis (Vraneš, 2001). Bryson (1970) je v teoriji knjižničarstva identificiral štiri elemente: • knjižnico, • bibliografsko vesolje, • storitev in • skupnost. Z drugimi besedami povedano, knjižnica prenaša infor- macije iz bibliografskega vesolja v določeno skupnost. Pred izumom tiska so se v samostanih kot katalogi upora- bljale inventarne knjige, knjižnični katalogi pa so nastali, Tvrtko-Matija Šercar: OD RBU DO COBIB