OZ 2016/2

86 ORGANIZACIJA ZNANJA 2016, LETN. 21, ZV. 2 Dela neznanih imetnikov avtorske pravice Strukturna kriza avtorske pravice (angl. copyright ) je predvsem v tem, da zakoni dejansko ščitijo imetnike avtorskih pravic, ne pa avtorjev zaščitenih del, ki so imetniki teh pravic le izjemoma. Najbolj izrazita je pri delih neznanih imetnikov avtorske pravice (angl. orphan works ). Besedna zveza "orphan works" dobesedno pomeni "osirotela dela". Urad za publikacije Evropske unije (Urad za publikacije, 2016), ki skrbi za objavo publikacij in dokumentov institucij Evropskih skupnosti in Evropske unije, je besedno zvezo "orphan works" v slovenščino prevedel kot "avtorsko zaščitena dela neznanih avtorjev". Prevod je ponesrečen, saj so neznani imetniki, ne pa avtorji. Po definiciji v priporočilih Komisije Evropskih skupnosti (v nadaljevanju Evropska komisija (EK)) so dela neznanih imetnikov avtorske pravice dela, zaščitena z avtorsko pravico (angl. copyright ), vendar njihovih imetnikov (angl. owners ) ni mogoče identificirati in locirati. Definicija vključuje tail" or "freechange". The freechange business model applies primarily to the Internet economy and appeals to the Net generation that is already used to free services and, at the same time, does not like copyright or, from a broader perspective, intellectual property protection. In the case of information in cyberspace, everything we thought we knew about intellectual property proved wrong. It would be wise to declare a moratorium over the legislation and international agreements on intellectual property protection until we develop the appropriate concepts for cyberspace. The area of copyright and related rights is full of contradictions. The valid (traditional) copyright paradigm, as presented by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) is going through a structural crisis. The authors are unilaterally exploited by the copyright holders and must be protected against such exploitation with legal and other measures. The controversial 2011 Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) is an attempt to define the "golden standards" with regards to the adoption of the 1994 Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) that represents the minimum framework for establishing these rights at an international level. American law proposals with the aim of preventing copyright violations by foreign websites, and a similar Australian legal act, adopted in June 2015, present a threat to the freedom of speech and to free access to online information, which are safeguarded on the Internet not only for American users but for users worldwide, and pose a great threat to the free and open Internet. The structural copyright crisis is primarily related to the fact that the legislation protects the copyright holders and not the authors of the copyright protected works. This is most prominent in the case of copyright protected works for which rightsholders are positively indeterminate or uncontactable (orphan works). The valid legislation on copyright and related rights also impacts the contents of full-text databases. Once databases were internationally marketed in Europe, the area of copyright protection of databases and the harmonisation of laws and regulations in this area became more significant within the EU. The connection between copyright and related rights and the tasks of libraries are visible in their relationship to open access to information, censorship, the right to rent and lend, privacy protection, cultural heritage and work ethics. The technological measures for protecting copyright protected works are strong generators of a digital shadow. Aconcept of copyright suitable for the digital age was predicted by the Croatian information scientist Božo Težak already at the end of the 1960s. Keywords copyright, author's right, Internet, knowledge-based economy, acts and agreements, orphan works, library tasks neznane imetnike avtorske pravice, vendar pa tudi imetnike z znano identiteto, a s spremenjenimi naslovi ali imeni. Komisija je mnenja, da zakonodaja na področju zaščite imetnikov avtorskih pravic ne zadošča. K boljši zaščiti naj bi pripomogla tudi tehnologija. Komisija spodbuja zlasti razvoj baz podatkov in metapodatkov, s čimer želi preprečiti, da bi dela imela neznane imetnike avtorskih pravic. Tega problema se zavedajo predvsemv filmski dejavnosti, kjer razvijajo baze podatkov v obliki registrov, kot sta PLUS v ZDA in MILE v EU, ali baze metapodatkov filmskih zvez, kot so BABLA, BVPA, PACA, CEPIC, IPTC idr. (Fodor, 2008). V ZDA so dela neznanih imetnikov avtorske pravice zelo pomembna. ZDA predstavljajo velik trg z zakonom o avtorski pravici zaščitenih del, ameriška zakonodaja o delih neznanih imetnikov avtorske pravice pa se nanaša tudi na dela v tujini. Po definiciji Senata iz leta 2008 so dela neznanih imetnikov avtorske pravice avtorskopravno zaščitena. Zakone ZDA o avtorski pravici ocenjujejo kot najstrožje in v primerjavi s kaznimi v Evropi so kazni za kršitve pravic do avtorskopravno zaščitenih del v ZDA zelo visoke. Tvrtko-Matija Šercar: STRUKTURNA KRIZA AVTORSKE PRAVICE